[PROMOTION] Earn 2,000 Sign up Bonus Points with IHG Rewards (expired on December 7, 2014)
If you have no yet joined the IHG Rewards program, now may be a good time. You can now earn 2,000 sign up bonus points for signing up today. You need to sign up between November 7, 2014 and December 7, 2014.
You must be a legal resident of the United States of America or Canada to qualify. You also need a valid email address to receive the bonus points.
In the mean time, be careful with your IHG Rewards account and not sign up for promotions that you do not actually qualify for.
There is also a Pointsbreak hotel promotion where you only need 5,000 points to redeem for a reward night. That means the 2,000 points already brings you 40% of the way there.