The Points Index
How Much are your Miles and Points Worth?
We have been asked how much are miles and points worth time and time again, but there is no exact amount because it depends on how they are used. There are many different rewards that you can redeem for that give a fluctuating return. Below is a simple calculator tool that can give you an approximation value on at least how much value you should get in return for your miles and points. The valuation will update periodically.
Please note that this is only a rough approximation of how much each mile or point is worth for each program based on our calculated valuations.
Generally you will probably be getting less than what is estimated valuation listed below, so you want to aim to get a close in value as possible to maximise your rewards. An example of a calculation if 10,000 points nets a $100 gift card. Then 100 / 10,000 = 1 cent per point. So be sure to do a little research by comparing several different rewards against each other to find out what makes more sense. Also be on the look out for promotions that can potentially earn you more value as well.
Please note that the calculations are very different when using your miles and points for for business or first class rewards flights. In those cases, you will generally get more a lot more value per point. However, the question is whether you would have paid for that ticket in the first place.