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Ranking the Credit Card Portfolios of Each Canadian Financial Institutions (updated October 1, 2016)

A reader asked me last time, what the purpose was of this ranking. Basically, you do what you want with the list, take it for what it is. As a consumer, this list can give you an idea on where to shift your business. For example, if you want to see some of the smaller companies survive and thrive, you will know where to move your business.

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Ranking the Credit Card Portfolios of Each Canadian Financial Institutions (updated August 1, 2016)

It has been a few months since I last updated this list. The reason is because there was no significant shift in the industry until now.

I decided to change up my classifications a little bit. I’ve split up the credit card companies into 4 groupings:

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Ranking the Credit Card Portfolios of Each Canadian Financial Institutions (updated April 1, 2016)

I will be looking to update this list every time I see some significant movement in the industry. This is the third time that this is being updated (February and March).

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Top United States Credit Cards Offered in Canada (updated March 23, 2016)

It has been a while since we last updated this list. With the weak Canadian dollar, apparently slowly recovering, I thought I’d update the list of United States affiliated credit cards offered by Canadian financial institutions.

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Ranking the Credit Card Portfolios of Each Canadian Financial Institutions (updated March 1, 2016)

I did not think that I was going to be updating this post so quickly, but enough has changed from last month that it warrants an update. Every time there are some significant movements in the credit card industry, I plan on updating the rankings of this post. You will notice that under every credit card companies’ explanation for its ranking, I will be listing some of its top credit cards to choose from.

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Ranking the Credit Card Portfolios of Each Canadian Financial Institutions (updated February 1, 2016)

This is not going to be an easy post to write, but I did want to try to pin each financial institution against each other to see how they fair. This is going to be a very subjective post where I am going to rank each each company based on their overall credit card portfolio. I am also going to list out some of the top credit cards offered by each institution.

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Which Credit Card Company I would Like to See Step Up Their Game

Outside of the top 5 big banks (TD, Royal Bank, CIBC, Bank of Montreal, Scotiabank), which control much of the financial industry in Canada, it is slim pickings thereafter. American Express has a decent foothold in the Canadian credit card market, but there are a few companies that can breakthrough if they made some bolder moves.