National Bank

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Credit Cards which offer Free Airport Lounge Access (updated February 8, 2023)

This post was due for an update. With travel pretty much back in full swing, airport lounges are filling up again, overcrowding if anything. Part of the reason is because there are quite a few credit cards out there that offer free lounge access. Even just 10 years ago, there were only a handful of Canadian credit cards that offered free lounge access. Since then, the list seems to grow longer and longer. 

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Top Credit Card Higher than Normal Sign Up Bonuses for February 2023

Beginning this month, I will attempt to put a commentary below each credit card instead of writing a summary at the top. Over time, I will look at expanding my commentary more.

This post is designed to list all the temporary higher than normal sign up bonus offers across the country. The cards are listed by expiry dates, with the ones expiring first at the top. If there is a tie-break in terms of expiry date, then it is sorted in alphabetical order.

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Top Credit Card Higher than Normal Sign Up Bonuses for January 2023

For this month’s list, quite a few offers (between Scotiabank and TD) expired on January 3, 2023. While National Bank and RBC have promotions expiring before the end of the month. Scotiabank pushed its offer till the end of the month, while TD modified some of their offers and now expiry in May. 

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Ranking the Credit Card Portfolios of Each Canadian Financial Institutions (updated December 12, 2022)

For the most part, 2022 was a relatively quiet year in terms of changes to the credit card industry (in terms of permanent offers). There was a significant amount of all-time high sign up bonuses, which do not factor into our ranking system. Our rankings are based on the intention of retaining credit cards for the long term, not based on churning.

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Top Credit Card Higher than Normal Sign Up Bonuses for November 2022

BMO preemptively extended the deadline of their personal card offers until the summer of 2023.
HSBC extended their offers to the end of February 2023.
Scotiabank extended their offers and increased some sign up bonuses.
TD changed up their TD First Class offer, as well as increased its annual fee.
RBC extended their offers throughout end of fall and into the beginning of 2023. The only card that will not make it to next month’s list is the RBC Cathay Pacific offer. Furthermore, two new RBC offers (Ion cards) have been added to the list. 

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Top Credit Card Higher than Normal Sign Up Bonuses for October 2022

For this month’s list, most of the TD offers were extended to the beginning of January, while most of the RBC offers were pushed till the end of October. The HSBC offers are coming to an end before next month’s list, so if you have been contemplating signing up, now is as good as time as any to go for them. Furthermore National Bank added two new offers that expire in January. 


[INTERVIEW] National Bank – Credit Cards Solutions & Strategies

Today, we are featuring Mathieu Gaudreau, Product Manager for Credit Cards Solutions & Strategies at National Bank. He shares with us the re-branding of their World Elite and Platinum cards. Thank you Mathieu for taking the time to answer our questions! 

1) Please tell us about yourself and your role with National Bank.