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What are Grandfathered Credit Cards? (Thoughts on Rogers World Elite Devaluation)

This post was inspired by the upcoming devaluation of the Rogers World Elite credit card, which I will further elaborate on below.

What is the concept of “grandfathered credit cards”? This is a concept that is thrown around a lot, but let’s further clarify what it entails. Most people who are highly active in the miles and points industry are quite familiar with this topic, so this post may not be relevant to you. But if you want to learn about the different variations of grandfathering a card, then keep reading!

This post breaks down the various ways that a credit card company can grandfather a card.

Are banks doing “Tied Selling”?

This may be my most controversial post yet. The concept of “Tied Selling”, as defined by Investopedia is:

Tied selling is the illegal practice of a company providing a product or service on the condition that a customer purchases some other product or service.
How close does that sound to “multi-product rebate”? Let’s look at what RBC promotes as “multiproduct rebate”:

Questioning Mainstream Media…

Fellow BoardingArea blogger, Ben, from One Miles at a Time, recently wrote a post entitled Where On Earth Is The Mainstream Media Finding These “Travel Experts?”. He referenced a news release called The Two Words That Will Help Get an Airline Upgrade Over the Phone. Do you guys remember an article by CBC entitled: Canadians should be wary of loyalty programs — not enticed by them.

My 2018 Predictions for the Miles and Points World

Predictions has been a more recent (2017, 2016) tradition for me, but I am starting to get the hang of it. This idea started when I started getting more questions about what I think will happen. So I mine as well put all my ideas into one post, put myself to the test to see how I do by the end of the year.

Let’s start with a recap on how I did last year before we embark on the new year.