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Best Current First Year Fee Waived Cards for June 2018

Quite a few expiry promotions going on. There is a chance that they can be extended or a new promotion may be offered instead. 

Note that we also have two other types of monthly lists going on:

Top Cash Back Credit Card Offers
Top Higher than Normal Sign Up Bonus Offers
If you would like to see other lists as well, please let us know in the comment section below.

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Top Credit Cards to Use on Road Trip (updated June 12, 2018)

As we approach the summer months, road trips become more popular. What you want to do is have a nice batch of credit cards to use to optimize spending during the trip. Depending on where you are going, you may want to consider a different grouping of cards.

As a Canadian, generally road trips will either be across Canada, into the United States and some even all the way to Mexico. So I will provide a sample of some of the combinations that can put together.

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Ranking the Credit Card Portfolios of Each Canadian Financial Institutions (updated May 1, 2018)

A few companies need to be added to this list, so I thought it was due for an update from 6 months ago. Most of the ranking changes occurred in the bottom half of the list. Furthermore, I also revamped the list to go with a pure ranking system instead of the previous grouping system. I think that it will run smoother now.

Below are my personal rankings of each company, along with a commentary and a list of some of my top credit card picks for each financial institution.

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Best Credit Cards for Foreign Purchases (updated March 3, 2018)

It was not long ago that I wrote this post, but already it is due for an update. I am happy to see that the Canadian credit card market has become more competitive on the foreign purchases front. More and more credit cards are either waiving the foreign transaction fee or offering a higher earning ratio on foreign purchases, which are the cards that I will be focusing on today.

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Best Credit Cards for Foreign Purchases (updated January 8, 2018)

The United States have quite a few credit cards that offer no foreign transaction fees. Comparatively speaking, Canadians have the short end of the stick. Especially with the discontinuation of the two Chase Canada credit cards (Amazon and Marriott) that offer no foreign transaction fees.

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Ranking the Credit Card Portfolios of Each Canadian Financial Institutions (updated December 1, 2017)

A few significant changes occurred in the credit card scene since the last update, so it is time for me to update the list.

Usually, I write more of a summary on what is happening with the company. However, this time around, I will write more about what I would like to see from each company.

Please share your thoughts on what improvements you would like to see to the credit card market in the comment section below!

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Ranking the Credit Card Portfolios of Each Canadian Financial Institutions (updated September 8, 2017)

It has been 4 months since the last time I updated this list, so it is probably due for an update (especially since we are adding a new company to the list!) as we approach the last third of the year. Last year was a strong year for credit cards, so I anticipated a slow year in 2017.

I always have fun ranking the credit card companies out there. It helps me get an idea on which companies are making progress and which ones are regressing.

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Ranking the Credit Card Portfolios of Each Canadian Financial Institutions (updated May 1, 2017)

It has been exactly 6 months since the last time I updated this list. The reason is because there has been very little movement until the past two months, where there were quite a few changes in the credit card industry that warrants an update to the rankings. Last year was a strong year for credit cards, so I assumed that 2017 would be a slow down year anyway. Unfortunately, most of the changes so far to the industry have been negative. Companies that moved down the list is because of a negative change. The ones that moved up is due to the downfall of the other companies.

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Ranking the Credit Card Portfolios of Each Canadian Financial Institutions (updated December 1, 2016)

A few changes to the credit card industry, as well as a new addition warrants an update to this list. Below is the explanation of each grouping: