Special Days

New Year’s Eve! Recap of 2019

As we close out 2019, we continue with our year-end series to recapping out wish list from the beginning of the year. This report card is a continuation from our mid-term report back on Canada Day.

Keep in mind that all wishes are generally a win/win/win scenario for everyone (loyalty company, retailer and customer) involved in the transaction.

Here’s a quick recap of the grading system:

Merry Christmas! Shopping Tips 2019

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Over the years, Pointshogger has accumulated a wealth of shopping tips:

2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018

This may be surprising to some, but shopping habits have evolved over the years. You may notice that stores have had to keep up with the times, with so much online shopping taking over. But some of the basic principles still stay the same. So below is my 2019 shopping tips leading into 2020.


Happy Halloween! Rundown of the Scene Program 2019

Happy Halloween Everyone!

We continue our annual (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018) tradition of providing a rundown of the Scene rewards program on this day. We did write a post back in March 2019 to discuss what to do ahead of the major changes that kicked in on April 17, 2019.

Today’s post will recap the program for what it is currently.

Canada Day! Mid-Term Report

Happy Canada Day!!We are halfway through the year, which means our annual mid-term report on our New Year’s wish list. Below is my 2019 wish list for the rewards world and a blurb on the progress so far this year. The final report will be on New Year’s Eve.Keep in mind that all wishes are generally a win/win/win scenario for everyone (rewards company, retailer and customer) involved in the transaction.

Happy New Year! 2019 Wish List

Happy New Year!!
A new year means a new wish list! Below is my 2019 wish list for the rewards world.
Note that I generally provide a mid-term report on Canada Day (July 1) and a final report on New Year’s Eve.
To be fair, all wishes need to be a win/win/win scenario for everyone involved in the transaction. This includes the rewards company, the retailer and the customer.


Happy Halloween! Rundown of the Scene Program 2018

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Another year, another annual (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017) traditional of providing a rundown of the Scene rewards program on this day. This year might have been the year that I went to watch the most movies ever. I accrued a fair number of Scene points that needed to be used!