Rundown of COVID-19 Updates for Canadians

Below is an update of temporary terms and conditions offered by loyalty companies relevant to Canadians, due to COVID-19. The updates focuses on companies (airlines, hotels, cinema, train). 

We also have an ongoing updated page found on the menu bar. The reason I am writing this post is because I have been hoping for airlines to extend their vouchers by at least 18 months. Some airlines even took it to 24 months (Air Transat, United, WestJet). I hope to see more airlines follow suit! 

Government Quarantines People with COVID-19 in Hotels

Right off the bat, so that the title is not misleading… not in Canada. But this news was reported by a Canadian networt. A news report by CTV a few days ago went over my head about the governments using hotels to quarantine COVID-19 infected people to ease hospitals.

Chicago uses hotels for quarantine to ease hospital demand
Some Places Around the World

COVID-19 Updates for Canadians

We created a tab on the menu bar for the most recent COVID-19 updates on as many relevant loyalty programs that affect Canadians. 

Since the page will be continually updated, you may not see a snap shot of the information at a specific point in time. Every now and then I may post the snap shot of that day in the regular blog posts. The reason I do this is to give everyone a comment platform to help us update the list as much as possible. The hope is to have a one stop shop for all relevant programs that affect your situation with quick hyperlink access. The links provided below are direct to the COVID page on each respective website. 

This is a significant revamp from my last update which was more focused on when to call into the loyalty companies. This post is focused more on the cancellation policies.