Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)

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The Top Credit Card Spending Bonuses (updated March 10, 2016)

It has been just over a year since I last updated this list. With a few cancellations and changes since, I thought I’d give this list a nice little update. I find that spending bonuses are very valuable, because it rewards big spenders with a benefit that helps offset an annual fee, which will reduce the urge for churning. Personally, I would actually like to see a lot more of these types of incentives with more credit cards.

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Ranking the Credit Card Portfolios of Each Canadian Financial Institutions (updated March 1, 2016)

I did not think that I was going to be updating this post so quickly, but enough has changed from last month that it warrants an update. Every time there are some significant movements in the credit card industry, I plan on updating the rankings of this post. You will notice that under every credit card companies’ explanation for its ranking, I will be listing some of its top credit cards to choose from.

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Building a Credit Card Portfolio for Frequent Travellers

Carefully putting together a credit card portfolio to optimize your purchases can be a hassle. That being said, a frequent traveller has a lot of travel expenses that can be optimized if you put together a strong credit card portfolio.

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Ranking the Credit Card Portfolios of Each Canadian Financial Institutions (updated February 1, 2016)

This is not going to be an easy post to write, but I did want to try to pin each financial institution against each other to see how they fair. This is going to be a very subjective post where I am going to rank each each company based on their overall credit card portfolio. I am also going to list out some of the top credit cards offered by each institution.

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List of Credit Cards that Offer Elite Status

Elite status with airlines and hotels can be very valuable to some. Usually to qualify for elite status you will see minimum requirements. For hotels, you usually have to reach a minimum number of stays, nights and/or points. For airlines, you usually need a minimum number of segments and qualifying miles.

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Credit Card Inactivity Fees

It has been well documented throughout the Internet that banks and credit card companies have hidden fees. One of those fees are inactivity fees for not using a credit card. Below is a list of some of the different types of inactivity fees. So read your terms and conditions closely.

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Top 5 Credit Card Sign Up Bonuses for October 2015

We are in the middle of a long weekend. Some of us are probably very busy with family gatherings. Others of us may have some time to catch up on a few things. If you plan to catch up on updating your credit card portfolio, below is a list of the top 5 current offers that you can take advantage of: