Toronto Dominion (TD)

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Ranking the Credit Card Portfolios of Each Canadian Financial Institutions (updated December 1, 2020)

It has been 8 months since our last update. Can you believe it, 8 months ago we were already dealing with lockdowns.

Suffice to say, there has been some major changes to the industry since then, namely, Capital One slowly shutting things down, along with Aeroplan’s launch of new co-branded cards. Even so, you will notice most of the ranking changes from the middle to the end of the list. 

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Best Current First Year Fee Waived Cards for November 2020

Several offers ending (see October 2020 and November 2020 cards) on this list that would not make it to next month’s list. So if you are thinking about a specific offer, you may want to go for it now.

Keep in mind that this post refers to temporary offers. We also have an ongoingly updated Top Credit Cards pages that includes permanent first year fee waived offers too. Here are some of the more relevant ones that are more related to this post:

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Top Cash Back Credit Card Offers for November 2020

All the offers remain the same from last month. The two expiring ones (Laurentian Bank and Scotiabank) both got extended. 

Keep in mind that this monthly post only includes temporary offers with higher than normal cash back offer. We have a list of ongoing offers in the Top Cash Back Credit Cards page with a more complete list.

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Comparing CIBC and TD Aeroplan Platinum/Student Cards

For the time being, this will be the last of a series of Aeroplan co-branded credit cards comparison post.

For today, I will be comparing 3 the lowest tier credit cards that were introduced to the market on the exact same day (November 8, 2020). Unlike the other posts, American Express is not on the list this time. But CIBC does offer 2 options, a student and regular version. Since they have virtually the same features and benefits, they will be lumped into one category.

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Comparing American Express, CIBC and TD Infinite Business Cards

We continue our series on comparing Aeroplan credit cards that were introduced to the market on November 8, 2020. Today’s post focuses on all the business cards. Unlike our previous comparison posts, where we picked similar cards to look it, this post has a wider range of annual fee.

I went ahead with this post anyway as there are only 3 co-branded Aeroplan business cards to compare overall anyway. You can technically count the CIBC Business Plus card as a 4th one, but it depends on the type of business to qualify for that card, so for the purposes of this post, I will only include 3, but mention how the Plus card works too.

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Comparing American Express, CIBC and TD Infinite Privilege/Reserve Cards

We continue our series on comparing Aeroplan credit cards that were introduced to the market on November 8, 2020. Today’s post focuses on the more premium personal cards. The most recent comparative post was: AMEX vs. CIBC vs. TD Aeroplan Platinum/Privilege Cards.

American Express has discontinued its Platinum version of the card, so the Reserve card is the closest comparison to the CIBC and TD Visa Infinite Privilege versions.

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Comparing American Express, CIBC and TD Aeroplan/Infinite Cards

Time really does fly. It’s been almost 4 years since I wrote this post: AMEX vs. CIBC vs. TD Aeroplan Gold/Infinite Cards. I reference that post because those Aeroplan co-branded cards are the closest comparisons to the current new co-branded Aeroplan cards. I will be writing another post regarding the business cards and the reserve/privilege cards too. I will be starting with the more commonly accessible cards offered by the 3 companies first and go from there.

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Best Current First Year Fee Waived Cards for October 2020

Several offers ending (see October 2020 and November 2020 cards) on this list that would not make it to next month’s list. So if you are thinking about a specific offer, you may want to go for it now.

Keep in mind that this post refers to temporary offers. We also have an ongoingly updated Top Credit Cards pages that includes permanent first year fee waived offers too. Here are some of the more relevant ones that are more related to this post:

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Top Cash Back Credit Card Offers for October 2020

A couple of offers (Laurentian and Scotiabank) are ending before my next month’s list. So if you are thinking about getting either of the cards, best to go for them now! 

Keep in mind that this monthly post only includes temporary offers with higher than normal cash back offer. We have a list of ongoing offers in the Top Cash Back Credit Cards page with a more complete list.