Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)


Earn 30,000 Asia Miles with the RBC Cathay Pacific Visa Platinum Visa

There is a current 30,000 Asia Miles sign up bonus promotions with the RBC Cathay Pacific Visa Platinum Visa. Note that the regular RBC website does not have this offer. The only advertise the 15,000 bonus offer instead. There is also a slight change in the features of the credit card which we will point out in this post.

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Ranking the Credit Card Portfolios of Each Canadian Financial Institutions (updated April 1, 2016)

I will be looking to update this list every time I see some significant movement in the industry. This is the third time that this is being updated (February and March).

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Top United States Credit Cards Offered in Canada (updated March 23, 2016)

It has been a while since we last updated this list. With the weak Canadian dollar, apparently slowly recovering, I thought I’d update the list of United States affiliated credit cards offered by Canadian financial institutions.

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Building a Credit Card Portfolio (around $500 spending per month)

Back in 2014, we built a suggested credit card portfolio for people who spend about $500 per month. With all the changes in the industry, I though it’s time to update my suggestion. I will also be updated my suggested portfolios for the $2,000 and $5,000+ monthly spending as well. For this portfolio, it is mostly for people who live at home with their parents, so let’s say they have this approximate spending:

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Best Credit Card for Each Financial Institution (March 13, 2016)

I have written posts ranking each financial institution, but I thought it would be fun to write a post listing the top 1 credit card per institution. I have listed the credit cards based on the most recent financial institution rankings. Maybe one day I will list the top credit cards, but it highly depends on a person’s needs, so it is very subjective.