Other Rewards Programs


[INTERVIEW] Thomas Rummel, Vice President, Travel Rewards AIR MILES Reward Program

Today we feature Thomas Rummel, Vice President, Travel Rewards AIR MILES Reward Program. Today, he will share his thoughts with us on the new AIR MILES Flights platform. Thank you Thomas for taking the time to answer our questions, seems like this is just a stepping stone for lots to come. Looking forward to what else you have in store!

1) Please tell us about yourself and your role with AIR MILES.


Rundown of the Scene Program (updated December 6, 2021)

It has been over 2 years since our last full rundown of the Scene Rewards program (minus a feature update). So we are long overdue for an update, so let’s get going. 

Expiry Policy

As with most rundowns of loyalty programs that do, we start with the expiry policy, since this seems to be a big issues for anyone looking to get the ball rolling into the miles and points world. 

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30% American Express Transfer Bonus to Hilton and Marriott

A few days after I wrote my comparison post regarding the U.S. and Canadian American Express Membership Rewards program, and I mentioned that we rarely see transfer bonuses in Canada as we do in the U.S., in pops a 30% hotel transfer bonus. This offer runs from September 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021.